Octopress on Windows
Windows 7
- This article is to setup my Windows 7 environment to write blog posts
- Use octopress environment pushed by MacOS
- You have python 2.7 installed on your Windows 7
- Remaining taks on Windows 7:
- Install RubyInstaller
- Clone git repository :octocat:
- Configure and continue the post
Configure environment
STEP 1: Install RubyInstaller
- Download and install rubyinstaller.exe
I picked up ruby-2.1.4(x64) to install
STEP 2: Install Ruby Development Kit
- Download and install
I installed Ruby 2.1.4(x64), so the development kit I have to use is:
For use with Ruby 2.0 and 2.1 (x64 - 64bits only)
I extract to C:\Ruby21-Devkit
where my ruby was installed under C:\Ruby21-x64
STEP 3: Create ruby config.yml
- Open your windows terminal
1 2 3 | > cd C:\Ruby21-Devkit
> ruby dk.rb init
# This will generate a config.yml
- Edit config.yml to add where you install the ruby
1 2 | ---
- C:/Ruby21-x64
- Install it
1 | > ruby dk.rb install
STEP 4: Update gem
- Run the following command:
1 | > gem update --system
Then, you will see the following messages:
1 | SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
- Solve the SSL issue
1 2 | # To get what gem version you have installed
> gem --version
1) Download RubyGems based on the gem version you have installed.
Picked up 2.2.x due to my system reports 2.2.2
* 2.2.x
2) Run the following commands:
1 2 3 | C:\>gem install --local C:\rubygems-update-1.8.30.gem
C:\>update_rubygems --no-ri --no-rdoc
C:\>gem uninstall rubygems-update -x
3) Now, let’s update gem
1 | gem update --system
Reference link:
STEP 5: Clone your git repository
- Please git clone your “source” branch not “master” branch
You can configure your github page using “source” as the default branch
1 2 3 4 | > git clone https://github.com/rickhau/rickhau.github.io.git
> cd rickhau.github.io
> gem install bundler
> bundle install
- Preview your existing posts
1 | > rake preview
Go to http://localhost:4000 to browse your old posts
STEP 6: Write your new post
1 | > rake new_post["Your new post title"]
Go to source\_posts\
directory to edit your new markdown file for new article.
STEP 7: Configure the UTF-8 encoding
1 2 | set LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8
set LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8
- Or you can write it in the .bat script to help you set the encoding automatically
1 2 3 4 5 | @echo off
set LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8
set LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8
rake generate
rake preview